Can Photography Workshops Improve My Skills?

Can I Use Nature Photography for Greeting Cards?
I Finally Achieved My Masters in Photography

How to create a free watermark and use in Luminar Neo

What is Hyperfocal distance?
Notice the entire image from front to back is acceptably sharp

Alaska Brown Bear Trip
Tips for Brown Bear Photography in Alaska. First and foremost I want to just let you know I am not an expert just sharing from my experience. So are you a photographer looking to take a trip? If so, consider venturing out into the great outdoors to snap some.

Manual mode and why you should use it.
There are a few reasons why you should shoot in manual mode on your camera. First, it gives you more control over the final image. You can adjust the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to get exactly the look you are going for.

South African Photo Safari with ProMediaGear
Jeff and I just returned from a 8 day African Photo Safari that we took with Tom and Derek from ProMediaGear and I will be addressing some most often asked questions like, What is an African photo safari like?

Bird Photography Tips & Tricks
There are tons of videos and blogs online about bird Photography here I will share with you what I have done and what works for me. It does take a lot of practice to be able to find your subject fast and following while shooting. Below is my two sense on bird photography.

How to get Tack Sharp Images
First thing we need to do is understand what causes a blurry photos and then work on getting your digital images sharp. It can be challenging at time so let go over a few issues.